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Apr 21, 2010

Supreme Perlite And Its Many Uses

When rapidly heated to temperatures of between about 850 and 900 degrees, the volcanic glass is softened which causes the water molecules which are trapped in the rock to become steam and expand, in a process similar to popping corn. These expanded particles of supreme perlite are actually minute clusters of lightweight glass bubbles which contain fantastic insulating properties. The broken bubbles and openings on the surface of the particles make them extremely useful for holding air and water, which makes them in turn fantastic in the horticultural industry, as they can both aerate and retain vital moisture for plants and seedlings.

The crushed and expanded particles also create a network of microscopic pathways which can be used to successfully filter and clean many different liquids, from beverages and pharmaceutical products to swimming pools and municipal systems. The sophisticated modern manufacturing techniques used allow the collection of these individual expanded supreme perlite bubbles which, due to their lightweight and fire resistant properties can be used in a wide array of products as fillers and insulators.

The extreme versatility of supreme perlite makes it useful in very many different applications. The crude ore can be used in sand blasting, foundry and steel industries, metal finishing and specialised casting, and the very many different grades of expanded perlite are used for many different purposes.

The fireproofing properties make it ideal for fire insulation in safes, doors, rooms and chimney linings, and the sound absorbency also go to make it useful in plasters, plaster boards, mortars, ceiling tiles, and sound absorbing walls on the highway. The abrasive qualities make it ideal for addition to abrasive soaps, cleaners and polishes and stonewash wheels. In filtration purposes it is widely used in the process of wines and beers, edible oils, fruit juices, sugars, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, swimming pool and potable water, and also bio diesel.

The extreme lightweight properties of supreme perlite make it invaluable as lightweight aggregate in concrete, bricks, tiles, pottery, tunnel walls and piping, floors, roofs and insulation and non load bearing fills. Horticulturally, it is invaluable and can be used alone for plant rooting, and also mixed in with peats and composts to add its aeration and moisture retaining properties. It is chemically inert, sterile with a neutral pH, and is completely weed free making it a gardener's best friend, both commercially and in home based products. Even house plants can be planted using this mixture.

Refrigerators and portable ice boxes utilize perlite, as well cavity wall insulation, roof decking and containers. Many wells incorporate the use of perlite, including mineral wells, oil wells and geothermal wells. When looking at a study of a typical house, perlite can be used in very many places and for many different uses, from the lining of the chimney to the insulation of the walls, the filtration of the kitchen coffee pot, the texture of the paint and the potting for the garden plants. There are not many other minerals which are quite as versatile as perlite.

If you are looking for a perlite manufacturer and or supplier visit

For more information will fit all your Perlite needs and we sell a Varity or different types of perlite.

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