The Best Books and most want of the year

Apr 16, 2011

One to One: Sarah Wexler

Sheryl welcomes Sarah Wexler to the program. She's a staff writer at "Allure Magazine." But the subject she tackles in her new book, "Living Large: from SUV's to Double Ds, Why Going Bigger Isn't Going Better," is far from glamorous. It's an investigation into why Americans seem to need not only more of everything, but bigger versions of everything. The book has just been published by St. Martin's Press. Journalist Sheryl McCarthy talks with newsmakers about their sources of inspiration. She has private conversations about public affairs issues with the people who report on them and those who ARE the story. The subjects range from global warming issues to domestic ones. McCarthy says, "I'm really looking forward to hosting One To One. One of the best things about being a journalist is you get to meet a lot of smart and interesting people and to pick their brains, so to speak, about a variety of important issues affecting our daily lives. It's a learning process both for the journalist and for the audience you're able to reach. The advantage of One To One is that there are no sound bites -- just provocative, insightful, and thoughtful conversation. We have some phenomenal guests lined up for One To One and I'm excited about hearing what they have to say." watch more at

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